In the fall of 2022 I was approached by two dear friends and comic creators about staging a festival for indie comic artists. Kate Sherron and Meredith Laxton are the best kind of comics people (which are already the best kinds of people to begin with). Not only are they insanely talented, they are motivated and creative, always dreaming up ways to help grow our community.
As we discussed their ideas for exhibitors and the spaces available, we settled on De Soto Avenue, a private street next to Two Tides Brewing Co. Owner Liz and her crew were enthusiastic and helpful every step of the way. The rate was great, the vibe was perfect, but the only limitation was on the number of vendor spots. So the focus was narrowed to self-published comic and zine creators. Even then, we had far more applications than we could seat, which was validation for the concept, but a difficult selection process. Luckily, I left that to my partners and focused on other logistics.
While most of the creators lived in Savannah, we also pulled in regional guests from Atlanta, Charleston and Athens. Instead of vending as Neighborhood Comics, in the spirit of the festival, we donated our space to four local artists, several of which have served as artists in residence. The final vendor list looked like this:
Anya Driffill (@anz_solo)
Cactus Cowboy Cartoons (@mrrunningman)
Chris Escobar (@worserbeings)
Dollee Roadhouse (@ryanrishphoto)
FLUKE (@flukeathens)
Friendship House Books (@friendshiphousebooks)
Future Landfill Press (@futurelandfillpress)
Jamie Jones (@artofjamiejones)
John Golden (@jpegolden)
Jordan Fitch Mooney (@jdfmooney )
Kenbi Ross (@alrightkenbi)
Kevin Betou (@kb2draws)
Level Ground Comics (@levelgroundcomics)
Maxx Feist (@maxx_feist)
Michael Lee Harris (@michaelleeharris)
Steve Stegelin (@stegelin)
The Slab (@theslab912)
Tittybats (@tittybats)
Victor Alpi (@alpivictoralpi)
Gendeerfluid (@gendeerfluid)
KamThings (@kamilahswong)
Maria Pellegrino (@tactical_anxiety)
The Artist Gem (@the_artist_gem)
We required tents in case of rain, or excessive sun, but the day was perfect. A light breeze, bright blue skies and the best people, attending and vending.
Here’s a montage of images from throughout the day:
The feedback from vendors and attendees was raves all around. I have a feeling we’ll be back next year.
Photos and video by Kate Sherron, Meredith Laxton, Savage FST and Neighborhood Comics