Special Events in June
May is in the rearview mirror and we're speeding into summer. Here is where you can find the Neighborhood Comics team this month (other than at the shop of course)!
June 2: Big Bon Bodega Night Market
5-9PM - 2011 Bull St in Starland - Come find Lee to chat about local artists and pick up their comics!
June 4: Whatnot Live
4-6PM - Whatnot App - Lee and Claudia will make their Whatnot debut!
June 24: Stonewall Block Party
5-10PM - 1515 Bull St. in Starland - We'll be celebrating Pride with our friends at the First City Pride Center. We'll have tons of diverse books on hand!
June 26-30: Comic Art Summer Camps
Two Sessions - 1116 E Montgomery Cross Rd. - Limited spots remaining for grades 6-12.